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sci-rocket is a Snakemake workflow which performs processing of sci-RNA-seq3 sequencing, including barcode demultiplexing and downstream alignment / UMI-counting using STARSolo.

Please see the set-up instructions below for more information on how to install and run the workflow.


There is currently no LSF support yet in latest snakemake (v8). For LSF clusters (e.g. DKFZ), we recommend using snakemake v7.32.4 instead.

  1. A conda system, e.g., conda, mamba or micromamba
  2. Snakemake and a cluster-specific Snakemake configuration for batch-job submission (see instructions below).

We make use of pre-defined environment(s) which houses all software dependencies (workflow/envs/). These are installed automatically by Snakemake when running the workflow (--use-conda).


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Download and install snakemake (e.g. using conda or micromamba):

    # This will install snakemake (7.32.4) + Python 3.11.7 into a new conda environment called 'snakemake'
    micromamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snakemake snakemake==7.32.4 python==3.11.7 mamba
    # Switch to the 'snakemake' environment
    micromamba activate snakemake
  3. Run the workflow:

    cd workflow/
    snakemake --use-conda --profile <profile_name> --configfile <path_config>

Useful Snakemake parameters:

  • -n: Perform dry-run (generate commands without executing).
  • -p: Print shell commands.
  • --notemp: Do not remove files flagged as temporary.
  • --rerun-incomplete: Rerun all jobs with missing output files.


The workflow requires a configuration file (config.yaml) which can be copied from the example configuration file and adjusted to your needs.

Within the configuration file, the sample-sheet (path_samples) needs to be specified. This file contains the sample names and paths to the raw sequencing data (BCL or FASTQ).